Nutriplant™ AG

Liquid foliar nutritional supplement

Nutriplant™ AG

This liquid foliar nutritional supplement is designed for use at specific stages of growth, when crops need the most support to help take in and use the nutrients they need.

  • IRF verified yield increase

  • Plant health increase

  • Antioxidant rich formulation

  • Increases resistance to stress.

  • Strengthens stems.

  • Produces higher yields and improved quality.

  • For use with a normal NPK fertilizer program.

The science behind Nutriplant™ products and what makes Nutriplant™ AG and SD superior to other products on the market.

Nutriplant™ AG is a liquid concentrate obtained through a unique, proprietary technology. It enhances crop production by improving photosynthetic activity, increasing chlorophyll concentration in the tissue, and increasing nutrient uptake through the root system. The genetic potential of a crop is rarely achieved due to the abiotic stress, such as heat, cold, drought, and excessive UV radiation, encountered during the growing season. Abiotic stress disrupts the plant’s metabolism and reduces nutrient absorption and translocation. When nutrients are limited during crucial stages of plant development, such as flowering, fruit set, and fruit maturation, yields, and crop quality can be dramatically reduced. Through its antioxidant activity, Nutriplant™ AG reduces the impact of abiotic stress, leading to better yields and improved quality of crops. Nutriplant™ AG contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc. Nitrogen and boron are essential for bud vigor and fruit set. Nitrogen and zinc are needed for fruit size. Phosphorus hastens maturity and improves fruit quality, while potassium improves fruit color and cold hardiness. Sulfur is needed for flavor and protein synthesis. Cobalt increases resistance to stress and copper contributes to color and flavor development. Iron promotes flowering and fruit set. Manganese aids in sugar metabolism, and molybdenum is involved in transport of phosphorus, a very important element in energy transport and storage. The synergism of all of these elements makes Nutriplant™ AG effective. Benefits reported by farmers include increased stress resistance, improved quality, increased yields, easy to apply and cost effective.